Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Our Student Ministry (7th-12th Grade) seeks to be a community of believers who love Jesus, and live out the message of the Gospel. We study God's Word so that we can know Him more, and we engage in the Great Commission so that we can make Him known. We want to be faithful to God in every aspect of our lives, and we try to have a good time doing it! We would love for you to join us in one of our services as we continue our journey to know and love Jesus more and more.

weekly gatherings
Sunday Morning we meet @ 9:45am in the Youth Room for Sunday School
Sunday Night we meet @ 5:00pm in the Youth Room for Bible Study
Sunday Night we meet @ 5:00pm in the Youth Room for Bible Study
Wednesday Night @ 6:00pm in the Youth Room we meet for Worship and Small Groups
stay connected
Follow this page for special events and trips.
Keep up with our Facebook page @ GBCYouth and follow us on Instagram @ gbc_students
Keep up with our Facebook page @ GBCYouth and follow us on Instagram @ gbc_students