“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb... "
PSALM 139: 13-14

Preschool Programs/Events
Sunday Mornings
On Sunday Morning, parents can check their babies in through our Realm Kiosk beginning at 8:30 AM then take them to their age graded classroom. They remain in that classroom through the entire morning where parents can then pick them up after worship. Weather permitting, children may go outside to our playground and teachers are always prepared for snacks (dairy & gluten free options are available). Nursing mom's have an area where they can go to feed their little ones in the quiet and safety of our preschool hallway. Our preschool hallway is secured with a fire door that is locked during the services and monitored by both patrolling deacons and the nursery coordinator for that week. All workers are safety screened through Ministry Safe and attend an online safety training class.
Sunday Evenings
On Sunday Evenings @ 5:00 PM, we offer classes through our Awana Program for babies through 2 years old called Puggles, and 3 & 4 year olds called Cubbies. After checking in through our Realm Kiosk our Puggles & Cubbies then go into their classroom where they will have crafts, snacks, Bible Story time, music, and Scripture memory fun. The Cubbies also get to participate in opening assembly and game time. There is more information about our Awana Program under the Children's portion of the web page. All workers are safety screened through Ministry Safe and attend an online safety training class.
Wednesday Evenings
On Wednesday Evenings @ 6:00 PM, our preschool children have the opportunity to learn about real life Missionaries. Using the Mission Friend curriculum from the Southern Baptist Convention/Women's Missionary Union, preschoolers are taught about people who travel to other countries or different areas within the United States and how those people tell others about Jesus. All workers are safety screened through Ministry Safe and attend an online safety training class.